Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Squirrel-chest

No, it's not a treasure chest. It's the virtual box in my mind where I put all the squirrels that had been living  in my attic for the past 3 months. Yesterday I blew a gasket and asked Stefan (aka the Mister) to put all the traps we own into every nook and cranny between the ceiling and the roof. No, he said. It's too early, he said. We have to wait for the snow to melt. (He'd been telling me this for a month.)

Why? I finally thought to ask. Why do we have to wait for the snow to melt? He didn't have an answer. So up up up on the roof he went, and in in in to the crannies, stashing his metal traps. And voila! Today, less than 30 hours later, he's already nabbed 5!

This morning, for the first time in months, I didn't wake up at 6 am to the squirrels sawing and nailing and building their new bedroom extensions. Oh, I woke up. They've trained me too well for me not to have woken up. But when I awoke? It was quiet.

Ah. Then I fell back asleep.