My blog was deleted because they thought it was spam or porn (I guess I'd prefer the latter), and for a while I wondered if I'd ever see the posts I'd put up again. Then, two days ago I clicked on it, and voila, they'd reinstated it. Right now I'm supposed to be grading but I thought I'd get it active again instead of sitting down to read Heart of Darkness essays. (Yes, y'all: the horror.)
It's chilly today, with that fallish Michigander tang in the air, though at least the sun broke through the heavy clouds for the first time in a week. The leaves are starting to turn. We may be going to Ye Olde Renaissance Fair tomorrow with friends -- Stefan is a gamer at heart, though he doesn't dress up.
We covered the baby lettuces because it's supposed to go down to 34 degrees tonight. We live in a microenvironment that is sometimes cooler, sometimes warmer than the surrounding area. Now that we have such a big garden, I need to figure out how reliable Weather Underground is for our town. Unfortunately, I'm seldom up early enough to see if there's frost on the grass in the morning.
When I was walking Gretel, I heard what I thought was a radio but turned out to be a man with a radio voice in the woods. He sounded like a real fire and brimstone evangelical, and was talking about the vatican and all the devils it was unleashing on us. I was very scared. He had himself all worked up and was shouting, but when I glimpsed him through the trees, he spoke while staring at the ground. It was unnerving. I wanted to call the university police, since he's on school land, but I don't know that he'll do anything to anyone. Still, the current of violence and fury that surged beneath his words made me hurry away as fast as I could.
It's chilly today, with that fallish Michigander tang in the air, though at least the sun broke through the heavy clouds for the first time in a week. The leaves are starting to turn. We may be going to Ye Olde Renaissance Fair tomorrow with friends -- Stefan is a gamer at heart, though he doesn't dress up.
We covered the baby lettuces because it's supposed to go down to 34 degrees tonight. We live in a microenvironment that is sometimes cooler, sometimes warmer than the surrounding area. Now that we have such a big garden, I need to figure out how reliable Weather Underground is for our town. Unfortunately, I'm seldom up early enough to see if there's frost on the grass in the morning.
When I was walking Gretel, I heard what I thought was a radio but turned out to be a man with a radio voice in the woods. He sounded like a real fire and brimstone evangelical, and was talking about the vatican and all the devils it was unleashing on us. I was very scared. He had himself all worked up and was shouting, but when I glimpsed him through the trees, he spoke while staring at the ground. It was unnerving. I wanted to call the university police, since he's on school land, but I don't know that he'll do anything to anyone. Still, the current of violence and fury that surged beneath his words made me hurry away as fast as I could.
I am glad your blog is back and you were finally able to log in again.